Friday, February 29, 2008

Walk This Way

It was gorgeous here today and I need exercise badly so I took Jonesy and went for a walk in the hills behind our house. What seemed to slip my mind is that the last time I did that route I was actually in shape. Mid-way through the second hill (the long one) my chest was on fire, my heart was pounding, and my legs felt like they were made of lead. About 1/4 of the way up the third hill (the steep one) I just wanted to lay down. But, I soldiered on and made it back home without calling for backup. Right before we turned down our street, Jonesy spied a gopher and chased it all over through the bushes, finally cornering it behind a bush and up against a fence. The little critter looked exactly like the gopher in Caddyshack, except it wasn't dancing. I think it was having a heart attack. But no worries, Jones didn't eat it.

Thursday, February 28, 2008


My name is Tracy and I'm a Big Brother Addict. There, I said it. Last night was eviction, and I'm glad those two got tossed. She was so annoying! I have a feeling we'll get to see more of her soon though because unless they start bringing people back it will be over way too soon. Check out everyone crying, those poor people are under some serious mental stress! Man I love this stupid show.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Doing Much Better, Thank You

Ashley got spayed yesterday and let me tell you she was NOT a happy kitty last night. She was all tense and growling and her pupils were dilated to the size of pennies. I know she was in pain and drugged up and feeling miserable and I felt so bad for putting her through that. But today she was up and around and eating and generally looking like her old self. Except for the shaved belly thing.

Speaking of drugged up animals - check out this video for a giggle.

Oh, and Shane got a tattoo ;) Isn't it cute?


I'm just heartsick today. My poor friend is dealing with a huge shock, and I wish there was something I could do to comfort her. Love you hon! I'll miss her too, even though I barely knew her. Life is precious - everyone gets an extra hug from me today. xoxo

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Endless Winter

We keep getting more snow and more snow. I'm pretty much over it and ready for spring, but the kids on the other hand are digging it! Literally! They were playing in it like it was sand at the beach and then about 20 minutes later came inside crying that they were cold. Go figure!

Monday, February 25, 2008


Right in the middle of Hannah's sleepover, around 9:00, we lost power during the snow storm. No big deal, we keep an emergency flashlight on top of the fridge. But of course the batteries are dead, so typical! We managed to get a bunch of candles lit, and made the most of it. Everyone gathered in the family room - the kids coloring by candlelight, Jordan reading, and me stitching. It was cozy and fun and reminded me that we don't really need all those gadgets.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Skate Party!

Had a total blast at Hannah Banana's skate party! The roller rink is a mad house, loud and stinky and crazy. But, once you get past all that (and the nasty pizza) it couldn't be more fun. I even managed to keep up with the kids without breaking any bones. Brought back memories from my junior high school days when I practically lived at the roller rink. Good times!


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