Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas: The Aftermath

We had a nice quiet Christmas, just the five of us. Missed you Mom and Dad! Big hit was the wii - we played it all night and day, and all the next day and night, and... so much fun! I've got a bit of a cold, which is giving me a great excuse to just relax and snuggle up at home. Been reading a lot, working on a hat for myself, and making some ATCs for another swap. Oh, and blowing my nose just about constantly. Blech. Watched a couple good movies this week - Step Brothers (totally stupidly hilarious), and Trans Siberian (intense!) and ate a lot of good food. Hope y'all had a great holiday, and a huge thank you to everyone who sent gifts and cards. Love you!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Oh Christmas Tree

This is our second year with the fake tree...I love it! Couldn't be easier, and no messy needles everywhere. The decorating went very smoothly, mostly because I have stopped trying to control the ornament placement. I didn't say things like, "the balls go first!" or "no, spread them out!" or "don't put that one on top!" Nope, I just sat back and let them have at it, and guess what? It worked out just fine, and no tension. The photos are dark and blurry but I kinda love them like that.

So cozy and festive, why don't we have a tree in the house all year?

Friday, December 19, 2008

Bail ME Out!

Well, it's official. The latest bailout is going forward, giving the auto makers a shitload of money the government cannot afford. Awesome. This really grates my cheese. Maybe if they had started making energy efficient cars that people want to buy instead of churning out the biggest beasts possible, maybe if they made some hard changes in the way they run their business, maybe if they were ultimately accountable for their own failure...LIKE THE REST OF US. And all the billions given to the banks with no strings - where did it even go? Things are still just as effed up, even after Citibank got bailed out twice. Shaking my head. And they called Obama a socialist, HA!

OK, enough ranting. Just couldn't help myself. On the holiday front, things are winding down a bit. Christmas break starts tomorrow, kids are excited. Last minute gifts being boxed up and mailed out today. I know it's late, and I apologize peeps.

I have baked/eaten enough sweets to last until next Christmas. Favorite of the bunch:

Peanut Clusters

  • 2/3 pound vanilla flavored confectioners' coating
  • 1 (11 ounce) package white chocolate chips
  • 1 (12 ounce) can peanuts
  • 1/2 (6 ounce) package almond toffee bits (Heath Bits O' Brickle)
Line baking sheets with waxed paper. In a double boiler heat confectioners' coating until melted, stirring constantly until smooth. Pour in white chocolate chips and stir until smooth. Stir in peanuts and almond toffee bits. Remove from heat and drop by rounded spoonfuls onto waxed paper. Cool for an hour, or until hardened.

Deckin' the halls-

Notice that Evan is wearing shorts. This was a week or so ago when it was warm and sunny and felt like September. This week has been frigid. Single digits in the morning and raging wind, little bit of snow on the ground with more expected today...winter has bitch slapped us.

Monday, December 15, 2008


Know what made my day even more than watching a couple size tens being hurled at W?
It's a crochet hook organizer, made for me by my IGF Kate, and it completely rocks!
Look how I used to store my stuff:

And now:

My hooks are so happy with their new home! I heart it.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


  • Car update: waiting on estimate for a new engine. Yep, just a little minor repair. eyeroll. Dealing with being a one car family for now.
  • Scored a 19 pound turkey for $7.00, so tonight we are having Thanksgiving Part II. Since I can't drive anywhere, I will spend the day cooking and working on some crochet projects. Beth, if you're reading, I will be making your pears by special request from everyone.
  • Need to get to the library. I'm reading a John Grisham book that we had at the house, not expecting a whole lot. It kind of stresses me out not to have another book waiting. Weird?
  • Speaking of books, The Motel Life was so good. Sad, but wonderful. Why are most of the really good ones such heartbreakers? Maybe it's just that when it's good you really get into it and feel it more.
  • Watched Heros last night, thinking the entire time, "why am I still watching this?" The first season was so good, but I've definitely lost that lovin' feeling for the show.
  • Shopping for a wii for Christmas, a combined family gift this year. Hope it's not too hard to find. It's going to be a "small" Christmas, but I don't mind. I find those are the best actually.

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