Friday, December 19, 2008

Bail ME Out!

Well, it's official. The latest bailout is going forward, giving the auto makers a shitload of money the government cannot afford. Awesome. This really grates my cheese. Maybe if they had started making energy efficient cars that people want to buy instead of churning out the biggest beasts possible, maybe if they made some hard changes in the way they run their business, maybe if they were ultimately accountable for their own failure...LIKE THE REST OF US. And all the billions given to the banks with no strings - where did it even go? Things are still just as effed up, even after Citibank got bailed out twice. Shaking my head. And they called Obama a socialist, HA!

OK, enough ranting. Just couldn't help myself. On the holiday front, things are winding down a bit. Christmas break starts tomorrow, kids are excited. Last minute gifts being boxed up and mailed out today. I know it's late, and I apologize peeps.

I have baked/eaten enough sweets to last until next Christmas. Favorite of the bunch:

Peanut Clusters

  • 2/3 pound vanilla flavored confectioners' coating
  • 1 (11 ounce) package white chocolate chips
  • 1 (12 ounce) can peanuts
  • 1/2 (6 ounce) package almond toffee bits (Heath Bits O' Brickle)
Line baking sheets with waxed paper. In a double boiler heat confectioners' coating until melted, stirring constantly until smooth. Pour in white chocolate chips and stir until smooth. Stir in peanuts and almond toffee bits. Remove from heat and drop by rounded spoonfuls onto waxed paper. Cool for an hour, or until hardened.

Deckin' the halls-

Notice that Evan is wearing shorts. This was a week or so ago when it was warm and sunny and felt like September. This week has been frigid. Single digits in the morning and raging wind, little bit of snow on the ground with more expected today...winter has bitch slapped us.


Anonymous said...

Sorry old man winter has bitch slapped you. GDMFer.

As for the bailout...EFF that. Are they going to bailout the restaurant industry after the holidays when no one has cash? Or the window washers for that matter? The best part of the bailout is that they will be begging for more money at the end of the quarter.

And on a related note I could hook you up with a 1st class hoser from FB who posts daily about the for GM. Making me want to quit again. Videos, clips, quotes, rants...serenity now.

Where the H are my Christmas cookie recipe cards? The holidays are almost over and I do not have a single idea, recipe or sweet in the house.

Sonja said...

Is it wrong to say that it looks like it is Christ himself hanging Christmas lights on your house?

Sandy said...

okay, so glad i swung by!! the chanukah song, pics of your children on the roof, and a rant againt the auto bail-out. you are my kinda gal. (-"


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