Sunday, June 8, 2008

House? Museum?

Here's a shot of the house that Shane and I did the other day. Doesn't look like a lot of windows, does it? I can assure you there are plenty. Took the two of us about 6 hours to finish, although that's not saying a lot because I move at a snail's pace. This is by far the weirdest house I have ever been in. The floors are bare concrete, the walls stark white, the artwork downright scary. And that's nothing compared to the chapel. It's got 30 foot ceilings and is painted a cobalt blue that virtually glows. There is also an indoor shooting range, everyone needs one of those, right? It really is probably not cool for me to be posting this picture on the Internet, but 1. I don't know of a window cleaner/client confidentiality clause, and 2. I'm pretty sure they don't read my blog. Oh my god, the spiders out there - they are the size of kittens. Shane commented that the movie Predator must have used that spider as a model for the monster.

I really hope they don't refer their neighbor to us:

That house is a monster I don't want to slay.


Anonymous said...

I'm snorting. Indoor shooting range? We have two. Erin is in sharp-shooter training. And you might be surprised who reads your blog!

Anonymous said...

I like your spider links:)

WayWord said...

I bet you're glad the truck didn't mysteriously break down !!! Did yah happen to spot a large walk-in freezer...nananana....or any suspicious odors!!!!

Linda said...

Wow what cool houses! You're so lucky! I always wonder what the insides of those look like! At least you got to see!


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