Saturday, November 8, 2008

Injury Report

The other day at school Evan ran full on into the swing set pole. He was looking behind him to catch a ball and...wham. Poor guy had the biggest bump I've ever seen on his forehead, right between the eyes. The swelling has gone down and now he's got a bit of a black eye. Insert horribly lit photo:

It was really just a matter of time until this happened. He is always zoning in on something and forgetting to watch where he's going, it's pretty funny. But that bump wasn't funny, it was hecka big. (Those are his words)

The scarf came out like this:

Kinda fun, kinda funky. The felting process did funk it up a bit but I like it.

Going to a part tonight with my main squeeze, it's about time we had a date!


Anonymous said...

cute scarf!! party on my friend!!

cinnibonbon said...

Oh that's a serious sting to his poor little eye!! OUCH...

Hey hey on that scarf!!! You're crafty..I've got no skills like that!!!

Have a good weekend and a great date.

Unknown said...

love that scarf, very cute--the felting makes it even cuter, too. I have felted sweaters and other bits and pieces, it's a fun process!


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