Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Over the weekend, over 800!! wildfires were sparked in Northern California during a lightening storm. That's a lot of smoke, and it's all come our way and settled in our little valley. It's the worst I've ever seen it, and now there is an official level 2 health alert due to the low air quality.

I took some photos on my drive home yesterday (with my crappy cell phone camera.) It's about 7:00pm:

Monday, June 23, 2008

Thanks For The Laughs!

So sad to see that George Carlin died. I absolutely loved him. His sense of humor was right up my alley. I have laughed myself silly watching him many, many times. The bit about stuff...classic! The list of dirty words...timeless! And of course, the political/religious rantings...

RIP George.

Sunday, June 22, 2008


On Friday we got the official letter stating that our "economic stimulus" check is approved and should arrive no later than June 27th. But we should allow 6 weeks from that date...typical government speak. I'm ready for it. Even though I don't agree with the stimulus plan, I'll be glad to see the funds whenever they finally drop into our account.

I plan to stimulate the economy by buying a new camera. Probably will get another Canon S80 to replace our broken one, although I'm pining away for one of these bad boys. Hard to decide-I like the convenience and compact size of the point & shoot, and the photo quality is good, just not great for distance shots. But, I might be ready to take it up a notch. Shane could really use one of these waterproof jobs for river trips, looks pretty sturdy.

Of course, all of this is probably just wishful thinking. More likely, I'll buy gas, food, shoes, and it will be gone.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

A Big Un!

Did you see the giant moon tonight? Very cool.

I took some pics, was going for something like this:

I think I got pretty close with this shot:


Sunday, June 8, 2008

House? Museum?

Here's a shot of the house that Shane and I did the other day. Doesn't look like a lot of windows, does it? I can assure you there are plenty. Took the two of us about 6 hours to finish, although that's not saying a lot because I move at a snail's pace. This is by far the weirdest house I have ever been in. The floors are bare concrete, the walls stark white, the artwork downright scary. And that's nothing compared to the chapel. It's got 30 foot ceilings and is painted a cobalt blue that virtually glows. There is also an indoor shooting range, everyone needs one of those, right? It really is probably not cool for me to be posting this picture on the Internet, but 1. I don't know of a window cleaner/client confidentiality clause, and 2. I'm pretty sure they don't read my blog. Oh my god, the spiders out there - they are the size of kittens. Shane commented that the movie Predator must have used that spider as a model for the monster.

I really hope they don't refer their neighbor to us:

That house is a monster I don't want to slay.

Friday, June 6, 2008


Wednesday was the last day of school - this year really flew by! Hannah picked some flowers for her teacher and gave her a card. Evan left the card for his teacher at home, so I ran it down to the school. It was too cute:

If you don't read First Grader, it says, "I have to say goody because it is the last day of school."

Jordan says he did well on all his finals, and is ready to start working with Shane - keepin' it all in the family!

So summer vacation is on! Big plans for the summer: a visit from Shad, Sharon, and Logan; Bri's wedding; Vegas; and hopefully lots of camping.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Vegas, Baby!

Shane's team, The Murphs, won the local area 8 ball championship! Take a gander at that trophy! And the check is for $1800, to be split between the team members for travel expenses to Vegas. The Vegas tourney is huge - a 6 day event with $25,000 going to the winning team. GO MURPHS!

PS: Mom and Dad, want to come visit the grandkids for a week in August? Pretty please? xoxo

Sunday, June 1, 2008


Ever since I heard that Doors vs. Blondie tune, I've been digging mashups. We were at a party Friday night and they were playing Pink Floyd smashed up with some rave action...I think it's cool to hear stuff in a new way. Like check this out, it's sick:


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