Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Spring Break

We're halfway through spring break, but you wouldn't know it by looking outside. It's cold and windy, snowing yesterday. Not great window cleaning weather so we've had some time off. Hannah and Evan are at Grandma and Grandpa's for the week so it's very quiet around here. I miss them like crazy, kind of feel weird having them so far away. But I also realize that I really needed this break, and am trying to enjoy it.

It's nice hanging out with Jordan while the little ones are away. The three of us went out for dinner and a movie on Monday, saw Observe and Report, which was hilarious! Went to DMV yesterday, for the third attempt at his learner's permit test. Success! He drove the last couple miles home, only stalled the truck once. High five!

This one's for you, Jordan!

Thursday, April 9, 2009


We're not working today, it's pretty stormy out. Instead we went grocery shopping and took care of Easter shopping too. Walmart didn't have any jelly beans. Seriously?

Now I've got to get working on the taxes, oh joy of joys. Munching on some Jalapeno Popper Doritos and sipping a Rockstar to help me deal. Gotta throw on some good music and get to it.

But first - I have a little rant. I do not like earbuds, not at all. Whenever I move my head they fall out. Whenever I move my arm it hits the cord and they fall out. After a while they hurt my ears. But if I get the big earphones I'll look like a dork. It's a dilemma.

This song has been in my head all day. I like. And I really love that you can find live versions of pretty much anything on youtube instantly. Such great energy at a concert. Ok - I'm out.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Happy Saturday!

Totally enjoying my day off, waking up slowly and putzing around before tackling some housework. Had fun last night - pool + beer + food + friends = good times. I need to get some stuff done here in the office today, back out to work tomorrow and every day next week too. Yeah spring! So glad work is picking up, really relieved and optimistic about the summer season.

Almost done with Hannah's blanket, man what a project! It's taken me a couple months, I'll be pretty glad when it's finished. She will too - every day she asks me if it's done yet, and how much longer. Sheesh, I'm not a machine!

Here's a shot of my girl all dressed up for her friend's 80's skate party. The girls were so cute!

Here's the little guy I made for the birthday girl - isn't he cute?!


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