Sunday, August 31, 2008


*Survived five circles of hell yesterday helping Hannah clean her room. It was bad. I lost my temper. She cried. Not a good scene. From now on, she will be cleaning up every day and since everything has it's place now it shouldn't ever get that bad again, right? Right?

*Keeping an eye on the hurricane - it's so sad, and so scary. I can't even imagine living like that. We have earthquakes and wildfires here, I think I'll stick with that. Seriously, between that accident the other day, politics, and storms - I'm a leeetle bit stressed out.

*Update - we have been invited to join one of Shane's teammates at his private table at the Rib Cook-off tomorrow. This means all we can eat AND drink all afternoon. Wooo-hooo! Note to self: do not wear white. And instead of Night Ranger (no thanks) we will be jamming to The Mark Sexton Band. Sweet! Check 'em out:

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Mmmm, Ribs

So this weekend is the 20th annual Best In The West Rib Cookoff here in Sparks. I can tell you it smells amazing driving by. It is pretty cool to be able to sample the best ribs from across the country, while listening to live music and maybe enjoying a cold one. And the grilled corn on the cob - YUM. The problem is that it is so crowded, and everything is super expensive. I don't think we'll be going this year, mostly because the headlining band is Night Ranger. Last year we got to see Loverboy. That was bitchin'! It went a little something like this:

Friday, August 29, 2008

Drive Safely!

Saw a gnarly accident this morning. Shane was taking me to pick up my car from the shop, just after 9:00. Traffic wasn't too heavy and we were just riding along on the freeway, discussing McCain's odd choice of running mate when I saw a pickup truck about 4 cars in front of us swerve. I said, "look out!" and next thing I knew, a white SUV was in a full spin-out, doing at least one full 360 before slamming into ??? and finally coming to a stop. I'm not real clear about what it actually hit because I was halfway covering my eyes and screaming, "holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit." Shane reached over and held my arm and told me to calm down, I was all shaking and a little bit crying. It was intense. It seemed like the car blew up almost, glass and debris flying everywhere. The Freeway Assistance vehicle and a couple motorcycle cops were there immediately, I think they were working an accident just up the road. It probably took 15 minutes or so for the ambulance and firetrucks. The driver seemed to be ok, and that's because the only part of the SUV not demolished was the front left side. As we drove past the wreckage (after I had given a written statement) we could see that the entire right side of the car was gone. GONE, opened up like a freakin' sardine can. If anyone else had been in that car, they would have been toast. I seriously do not think I could have handled seeing bodies flying like the misc. car parts. It's so trippy, that false sense of security you have inside your vehicle. Scary.

Moving on: got my pictures back finally. The cool thing about using film is the surprise factor, not knowing exactly what will be in that envelope - especially if you have kids that don't understand the meaning of "don't touch my camera."

This shot cracks me up. She looks like some barfly at a jazz club.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

What's Up?

-with work, or the lack there of? Business has dropped off so much that we had to lay off one guy already this week. It's way too early in the year to be so slow, and it has me worried. Is it just back to school business and Labor Day plans that is keeping people from calling us? Or is the economy in such bad shape that no one can afford our service? Being self employed is like a real life horror movie, on the daily.

-with Walmart? Do they only hire rude people or is that just a side effect of working for Satan's empire? Was shopping today, having a minor panic attack as my $214 worth of weekly groceries were being rung up and watching all the burners gearing up for the playa. If you don't know about Burning Man, educate yourself here. Anyway, of the three employees that I spoke to, 100% were jerks.

-with stuff breaking around here? I seriously cannot deal with fixing/replacing one more thing. Let's take care of our things, people!

-with my timing? Every time I use a public restroom it is obvious that someone has JUST taken a dump in there. I do not like this phenomenon.

-with Spicy Sweet Chili Doritos? They are really freakin' delicious.

Friday, August 22, 2008

School Daze

Gearing up for going back to school on Monday. As always, wishing we did more fun stuff over the summer, and thinking that it went by way too quickly. It will be nice to get back into a routine though.

Hannah and Evan got the teachers they wanted, which is huge and makes me very happy. So much more exciting for them to go back. A word about supply lists - extensive.

Overheard from the front seat of the car yesterday:
E: "Who invented school?"
H: "I don't know."
E: "Did you thank them?"
H: "Huh?"
E: "Mom! If the car catches on fire can I use the squirter thing?"

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Calling All Scrappers

SIStv has a fun n' funky new collection available for pre-order until 8/24/08. And, if you spend $50 in their boutique you get a $10 gift card! It's supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, right? Scrap on!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Yell Fire!

The tomato plants are outta control, and I've been making fresh pico almost daily. The second batch was smokin' hot, so I threw in an avocado and it cooled it down right fine. So yummy, and healthy too...except for the chips, but we don't need to go there, right? You could use celery instead (LOL!)

Pico De Gallo
4 ripe tomatoes, seeded and finely chopped
1 small white onion, finely chopped
2-3 jalapenos, minced
1/2 cup cilantro leaves, finely chopped
1 TBS fresh lime juice
salt & pepper to taste

Just mix it all up and chill at least an hour. Really best the same day. I personally scarf it down in no time, so long term storage is not a problem.

*note* Chopping by hand is really best, a food processor will just pulverize everything. But, do use gloves while handling the peppers. Unless of course you want to still have fiery oils on your hands that will withstand washing and continue to burn 2 days later. I'm just saying...

Monday, August 18, 2008

Monday, Monday

*Dropped Shane off at the airport, he's on his way to Vegas for the pool tourney. You can somehow track their progress here. Bring home the $$$, Daddy-O!

*Seven days until school starts, but who's counting?

*Vacuum is broken. Bad news: yet another unexpected repair/replacement of household item. Good news: unable vacuum.

*Today Hannah asked me why farts smell bad.

*Today Evan asked me if there will be snakes on daddy's plane.

*Thoroughly enjoying Big Brother, as always. This show never fails to deliver drama and "holy crap, I can't believe he/she actually said/did that on TV" moments.

*Ditto I Love Money. The trashiest of the trashy reality TV "stars" duelling it out over cold hard cash. Real high-brow entertainment.

*NBC Olympic coverage - besides showing a TON of some sports and nothing about other events, it hasn't been too disappointing. They seemed to hold back on the dramatic athlete back stories a bit. But, yesterday the track coverage was awful. They picked one racer, zoomed in and talked about her and didn't even show the rest of the field AT ALL. It was weird, like she was running the race by herself or something. This happened twice while I was watching. I thought it very odd.

Have a swell day.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

The Olympics

So far, I'm enjoying the Olympics. I've been falling asleep to it for what, about a week now? But, I do have some questions/comments:

1. Why do the guys in beach volleyball wear these outfits,

while the girls wear this?

2. Too bad this guy lost his temper when he won a measly bronze medal,
because prior to that he was having a lot of fun.

3. Ok, ok, we get it, you are a champion. A virtual Man From Atlantis. Now can we see some track and field?

Friday, August 15, 2008

R.I.P. Hunny

Hannah's hamster, Hunny the Hammy, has expired. She is pretty devastated. She's had her for almost three years now, which is a long time for a little critter like that. On the upside, no more cage to clean. It's been a long, tear-filled day here, thought this might cheer my girl up:

It's the grand circle of life, sweetie. Sucks doesn't it?

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Hump Day

Today in a nutshell:

-Biked to the post office, which I've been trying to do most days. Today Shane came with me and we took the long way home, about an hour and fifteen minutes round trip. So nice just to be outside, even though it is over 100 degrees out. We were talking about how different it is to ride through a neighborhood rather than drive - it just feels friendly somehow. Other people on bikes always say hi, I like that. Way more interactive than driving.

-Took the kids to the mall for back-to-school clothes shopping. I really don't like shopping (except for scrapbooking/crafting stuff) and I pretty much hate the mall. But, it wasn't too bad, the sales were good and they are happy. Chilled out with an Orange Julius after the shop-a-thon.

-Won't get teacher assignments until next week, which is also when we get the supply list. Let's hope it's not like Jordan's first grade class. I will never forget spending $50 on school supplies for him that year. Jeeez.

-Turned in some film for developing today. So weird to go back to that. At first I thought digital was weird, now I can hardly function without it.

-Getting ready to watch some Olympic action. I've really enjoyed the swimming and gymnastics so far. Shane promised me a foot rub - he's the best guy in the whole wide world.

Over and out.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Movie Review

Last night we watched Lars And The Real Girl. It was a sweet little movie, happy/sad. I really enjoyed it, a nice change to watch a calm dialogue driven movie instead of an in-your-face special effects BLAM! type movie. Know what I mean? Shane fell asleep, but that almost always happens so I don't think it's a knock on Lars. My favorite line is when the brother says, "what the hell is he doing with a delusion for Christ's Sake?" That just cracked me up. There were quite a few laugh out loud moments, and plenty of heartwarming parts too. Watch it!

*Thumbs Up*

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Just Stuff In My Head

Hot August Nights is in full swing. It's a huge classic car show and celebration of all things '50s that takes over our town every year. Not being a huge car person, and not really into poodle skirts, I find that the event is more of a traffic jam than anything. But, keep on coming, stimulates our local economy.

And, seriously...when did chow mein go from crunchy fried noodles topped with veggie or meat goo, to soft noodles with chunks? Just curious.

I'm about 2/3 through The Book Of Lost Things. It's pretty cool, if you like fantasy. A little bit Narnia, a little bit Pan's Labyrinth - dark and full of mysteries. Evil creatures abound.

Off to check out some Olympic action.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Billiards Anyone?

Shane's pool team is getting ready to head down to Vegas for the championships. Bring that prize money home to mama!

The team (Pat, Jack, Tina, Scott, Dorene, Brad, SHANE):

Shane in action:

An article in the local paper:

August 5, 2008
Community: Nevada residents prepare for national pool championships-- Staff Reports
Three Northern Nevada pool teams will be competing for $25,000 first-place prize money at the APA 8-Ball National Team Championship and $15,000 first-place prize money at the American Poolplayers Association 9-Ball National Team Championship held Aug. 15-23 in Las Vegas.
The teams, two 8-Ball teams and one 9-Ball team, will be traveling to the Riviera Hotel & Casino to compete for the Open Division national title and a portion of more than $600,000 in guaranteed prize money in 8-Ball and more than $150,000 guaranteed prize money in 9-Ball.
The two 8-Ball teams, The Murphs from Reno and The Cocoons from Carson City, will be joining more than 650 other qualified 8-Ball teams from North America, while the 9-Ball team, Diamond Billiards, from Reno will be joining more than 250 other qualified 9-Ball teams from North America.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

It's Heating Up Folks

Another candidate has entered the race...get ready to cast your votes!

Monday, August 4, 2008

My Lil' Sis... not so little anymore. She's all growed up and married and stuff. I was so honored to be in the wedding, even if the shoes and the "special undergarments" were a bit uncomfortable. It was so worth it. The ceremony was beautiful, so intimate and heartfelt, and the setting was gorgeous - lakeside at Tahoe. I loved seeing all the family and most of all visiting with Bri. There is something magical about wedding dresses. Helping her get dressed was so cool because she helped me get dressed at my wedding almost 18 (gasp!) years ago. I assure you that I am not pregnant. I only look like it in these pics. Maybe it's a gas baby.




Sunday, August 3, 2008

Sunday Adventure

Hannah and Evan and I rode along this beautiful bike trail between Tahoe City and Squaw Valley while Shane and Co. paddled a lower section of the river. Then we all met up at The River Ranch for beers and some of the best nachos around.

On the way home, we stopped at Cabelas. It was a big deal when it went in, and I'd heard a lot about it but never been. Well...I don't think I'll be going back. Ok, the giant aquarium full of trout and catfish was pretty cool, and they do have a plethora of bitchen' camping gear and some sweet outdoorsy clothing. But all the dead animals really turned me off. No offense to you hunters out there, but it just isn't my thing. I couldn't even look at the African display, it heebed me out. And I'm not a card carrying member of PETA or even a veggie, at least not yet.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Rollin On The River

The free concerts in the park series is back on, and last night we saw Mark Hummel and The Blues Survivors. They were really good, and I guess he is a pretty famous harmonica player - he definitely jams.


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