Saturday, September 27, 2008


I actually scrapbooked yesterday! It had been a really long time, I was starting to get worried that I'd lost that lovin' feeling for paper and glue, but was just on the back burner. Made three layouts, nothing fancy but still - it felt good. Might do some more today, and I'm excited to do Ali's A Week In The Life project next week. There, I said it so now I have to do it!

Whenever I review a book on it always asks if I want to blog the review and gives the embed code. Here's what happened when I used that code:

The Handmaid's Tale The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood

My review

rating: 5 of 5 stars
I loved this book. Maybe the scariest thing I've ever read, including The Shining. ;)

When I say scary, I mean scary as in could we ever get to that place? I just couldn't get it out of my mind. Maybe it's good (or bad) timing, with the world in such turmoil right now. A very powerful read.

I saw it on the "banned books" shelf at the library and had heard of it before so I grabbed it up. Sort of ironic, it being banned - in the story a lot of things are banned and it is horrific.

PS: I could never vote for someone who has tried to ban books. EVER.

View all my reviews.

Pretty cool. Go technology!

Hell In A Handbasket

Watched the entire debate last night, thought it was pretty informative. Here is video 1/11 with links on that page to the rest it. I wish they had changed the whole thing to the economy, instead of keeping the second half about foreign policy. Of course that is important, but right now this week I think we're all a wee bit more concerned with what is going on with the bail out plan and those dire warnings that W gave in his speech. More scare tactics or fact? It's just so hard to know any more. My opinion of John McCain actually went up a little bit, his level of experience in foreign affairs is vast, if a bit outdated. He sure loves to tell dramatic stories and kept making fun of Obama's "naivety" - kept saying, "Barack just doesn't get it." On the economic topics I thought Obama won handily. He spoke directly to the problems facing real people like me, while McCain kind of talked political-speak. The most ridiculous part of the debate: the bracelets. EYEROLL. And I'm really not all that sure about Joe Biden, he has the experience the ticket needs, but his swaggering reminds me of...hmmm. Still, I'll take him over Palin. Her latest interview with Katie Couric? Someone needs to advise her when to shut her moose hole.

After the debate I watched The Office, which I missed on Thursday. OMG I was laughing out loud. My favorite quote: "A GD monkey could do it!"

Then I watched Real Time with Bill Maher. More politics. Ralph Nader was on the panel, looking/sounding nutty as usual but making sense at the same time. He really likes to shout, "Revolt!"

So, yeah...a lot of time spent on the couch. I was crocheting too, not completely vegging.

Scrapbooking is on my agenda today, while the pieces I crocheted last night are felting. So much crafting, so little time.

I just saw that Paul Newman died, which makes me sad. I loved his movies and really respected him for all of his charity work. RIP.

Friday, September 26, 2008


I got this "special edition trash card" in the mail from Kate. (Thanks, dude!) I totally cracked up when I opened the envelope, because of course it has Sarah "Stewardess" Palin on it. Love how she makes these collages, thinking it would be cool to do the entire scrapshack, every wall. That would take a lot of trashy mags!

TGIF y'all!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


-A low ink warning 2 months before the ink actually runs out. If I had replaced the cartridge when it first told me to, I'd already be halfway done with the next one!

-Cleaning products that to come in squirt bottles where the last 2 inches of liquid will not pump up. So annoying to be squirting, squirting, squirting and nothing happening. Guess I have to throw it away and buy a whole new bottle - not.

-Emails promising money from long lost dead relatives/foreign lotteries/insurance settlements. Lately they've been getting through the spam filter and it just irks me. Plus they can't spell. - signed up to get a report a while back. Since then they've been billing us monthly for "monitoring." I didn't sign up for that, and didn't even realize who was billing the $14.95 a month because the line on my statement is cryptic. When I finally figured it out and called to cancel, it took 10 minutes of repeating that, "yes, I really want to cancel" before it got done. I'll believe it when I don't get charged next month.

Sunday's Hike

It was a little bit cooler up at White's Creek, perfect hiking weather. The kids had a blast, are already asking to go back. Jonesy was in doggie heaven, got all tired and dirty and slept the rest of the afternoon. The leaves on the aspens are still green, just a little bit too early for that spectacular fall color. I remember being up there with Shane one year and the leaves were all on the ground and so bright - really beautiful. The water in the creek is super cold and full of "strainers," as Evan the kayaker-in-training pointed out.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!

Shane called to tell me that he won his division in the kayak race yesterday! Woo-hoo! Wish I could have been there to cheer him on. Can't wait to hear all about it when he gets home tonight. I'm really missing him this weekend, bummed that we can't do this stuff together. And not looking forward to next weekend, another out-of-towner. Hurry home, babe!

Meanwhile, back at the home front: grocery shopping today. Yippee. We have no food in the house so it's gonna be a big one.

Later, taking the kids and dog on a hike at White's Creek.

Tonight I'll be watching the new episode of True Blood on HBO. Not completely sure about it yet, it's a vampire thing. Really just curious since it's by the creators of Six Feet Under, my favorite show of all time.

One disc into Dexter, Season 2. Digging it. Another Six Feet connection, go figure.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Saturday Stuff

-I am so tired of calling up 800 numbers to speak to "customer service" reps who end up making my blood boil. They are not there to service customers, they are obviously there to service the company they work for.

-Enjoying the nice fall weather. It's sunny and a bit cooler and I love it. Ready for a hike up in the mountains where the leaves should be starting to turn.

-Shane is at the Mokelumne River Festival, competing in a downriver race. Go get em honey! You can see the race locale here.

-Had a fun dinner with friends last night, feeling the effects of too much food and drink. Planning a lazy day with some kind of kid activity thrown in.

-Maybe I'll do some scrapbooking this weekend. I need to get busy on the Napoleon Dynamite theme ATC cards - should be fun but I'm just not feeling it right now.

-Project #1 on the agenda is le petit pouchette part deux. Lesson learned: do not put items with velcro in the dryer with pieces you are felting!

Thursday, September 18, 2008


Ever notice that a lot of songs that make reference to "rock" or "rock-n-roll" are not rocking at all? That they do, in fact, suck?

Like this one (my all time most hated)

I think they built that city on cheesy lyrics and awful synthesizer beats.

How 'bout this one?

Got a defibrillator?

Then there's this:

I don't know why, but that song really makes my skin crawl. Maybe it's because Danny on Y&R did it, badly.

I mean, come on people.

I wanna rock!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Nice Look!

Guess whose hair Hannah is braiding...

Monday, September 15, 2008

Surfing In Nevada

Yesterday, Shane played in hole 5 yesterday while we spectators chilled out catching crawdads, checking out the freaky locals, and doing a little riverside crocheting. Good times, good times.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Garden Love

We've got a truckload of tomatoes here.

Everyone agrees that fresh is best, so much tastier than store-bought vegies. Even Hannah (Miss Picky) has been eating those little grape tomatoes.

It's so much fun watching everything grow. Evan has been such a big help with the garden, watering every day for me and picking the ripe stuff.

I made this last week. Haven't done any scrapping lately, I miss it. Need that creative outlet!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Rib Pics

Mmmmm, they were delicious. Our faves: Rasta Joe's, Maui Wowie, and Bone Daddy's.

Cheers! Nice double chin, I know...that's what all you can eat/drink will do to ya. Did I mention I almost fell asleep at the table and don't even want to smell barbecue sauce for about a year?

What can I say, I love this shirt.

We have a date tonight, at the pool hall. Classy, no? It's playoff time for Shane's team...go Murphs!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


It's been a good day. I've been pretty productive, which feels really good. Got the office straightened up, ran a bunch of errands, did some laundry, my etsy shop up and running! There's a link over on the right if you want to check it out. Couldn't have done it without my lovely friend who let me borrow her camera.

See that? I took that picture just now! So cool to have a digi camera back in da house! Many thanks my dear, I know you are reading this even if you never comment. (hint, hint)

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Dawn Patrol

We did it! Got up at 4:15am and actually arrived on time for Dawn Patrol at the Great Reno Balloon Race. The balloons are so pretty glowing in the dark. Then, as the sun was coming up, we watched all the other balloons fill up and get ready for the mass ascension. That's the best part, watching them pop up all over the park and finally lift off all at once - 90 balloons all together is a pretty amazing sight! It was early, it was cold, but it was worth it. Pictures to follow.

Friday, September 5, 2008

A Thank You To...

Commit 2 Paper! I got my prize today from the Scrapjacked challenge and it's a full-on kit! I am so stoked...and great timing since I need a little pick me up today. Thanks Ladies!

PS: Those SEI shiny die cuts are way cool.

Check it out:

Thursday, September 4, 2008


Last week my pal Linda tagged me, finally getting to my answers.

7 Strange Things About Myself

1. I am really grossed out by worms.
2. I like olives in my beer.
3. I like the smell of gasoline.
4. It takes me a long time to wake up in the morning.
5. I can't fall asleep unless I'm on the left side of the bed.
6. I get grumpy when I haven't done anything creative for a while.
7. I haven't read the Twilight books.

7 Random Facts About Me

1. Once I start a book, I have to finish it.
2. I am a terrible housekeeper.
3. I don't like movies or books where little kids are hurt.
4. I hate Cheerios.
5. I'm happiest at home.
6. I think I'm addicted to diet Pepsi.
7. I am schizophrenic when it comes to music. I listen to everything from smooth jazz to Bob Marley to Tool.

And now I'm tagging
Kate and Sharon

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Back To School Pics

From the first day of school-

The first week is under our belts and we're starting to get into the swing of things. Getting ready this morning went very smoothly.

I can't even believe that Jordan is a senior this year - doesn't seem possible. Especially since I'm such a youngster myself.


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