Watched the entire debate last night, thought it was pretty informative. Here is video 1/11 with links on that page to the rest it. I wish they had changed the whole thing to the economy, instead of keeping the second half about foreign policy. Of course that is important, but right now this week I think we're all a wee bit more concerned with what is going on with the bail out plan and those dire warnings that W gave in his speech. More scare tactics or fact? It's just so hard to know any more. My opinion of John McCain actually went up a little bit, his level of experience in foreign affairs is vast, if a bit outdated. He sure loves to tell dramatic stories and kept making fun of Obama's "naivety" - kept saying, "Barack just doesn't get it." On the economic topics I thought Obama won handily. He spoke directly to the problems facing real people like me, while McCain kind of talked political-speak. The most ridiculous part of the debate: the bracelets. EYEROLL. And I'm really not all that sure about Joe Biden, he has the experience the ticket needs, but his swaggering reminds me of...hmmm. Still, I'll take him over Palin. Her latest interview with Katie Couric? Someone needs to advise her when to shut her moose hole.
After the debate I watched The Office, which I missed on Thursday. OMG I was laughing out loud. My favorite quote: "A GD monkey could do it!"
Then I watched Real Time with Bill Maher. More politics. Ralph Nader was on the panel, looking/sounding nutty as usual but making sense at the same time. He really likes to shout, "Revolt!"
So, yeah...a lot of time spent on the couch. I was crocheting too, not completely vegging.
Scrapbooking is on my agenda today, while the pieces I crocheted last night are felting. So much crafting, so little time.
I just saw that Paul Newman died, which makes me sad. I loved his movies and really respected him for all of his charity work. RIP.
2 months ago
LOVE your take here!
I'd love to hear what you think of mine!
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