Saturday, August 30, 2008

Mmmm, Ribs

So this weekend is the 20th annual Best In The West Rib Cookoff here in Sparks. I can tell you it smells amazing driving by. It is pretty cool to be able to sample the best ribs from across the country, while listening to live music and maybe enjoying a cold one. And the grilled corn on the cob - YUM. The problem is that it is so crowded, and everything is super expensive. I don't think we'll be going this year, mostly because the headlining band is Night Ranger. Last year we got to see Loverboy. That was bitchin'! It went a little something like this:


Anonymous said...

I really wish there was a rib cookoff here. There's never anything fun like that in my area. I always watch the specials about them on the food network too.

- Marjorie
HarajukuChic @SIS

Anonymous said...

You know that TURN ME LOOSE got my old ticker pumping like mad this morning!!

You are sooooo lame. You aren't going to see Night Ranger? I puffy heart SISTER CHRISTIAN!!!

Linda said...

Awww Night Ranger isn't that bad. Loverboy rocks the house tho! Sounds like good times! I seriously love me some ribs!


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