Friday, April 25, 2008


We had several earthquakes here yesterday afternoon (over 50), and we really felt one of them. It was like a big plane was flying overhead and shaking the house, but there was no sound. Once we figured out what was going on, it was over. Kinda cool. The largest was 4.2. Hannah got a little worried that there might be a bigger one, but it was ok.

More BBQ action, it's the easiest, tastiest, way to cook in the summer! We grilled some asparagus to go along with the steaks - mmmm.


WayWord said...

Pretty Crazy....we had an earthquake here last Friday...5.4 shook the bed and stuff on the dressers. We then had an aftershock around 11am when we were at the dentist. Good thing the Hygenist took the tools outta my mouth! The guys look great..nice doo Shane. Can't wait to cya in June!!! BIG HUGS


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