Friday, May 2, 2008

Family Float

Finally got the pics from our 4/20 float down the Truckee. The kids are in the big blue raft, Shane and I are in the yellow duckie. It was a complete blast despite the cold (mid 30's that day). Huge thanks to our trip organizer Kent at Sierra Nevada Outdoors - without his gear we could not have made the chilly trip! I did take an unexpected swim about 10 min into the 4.5 hour trip and it was COLD. Like imagine sitting in a puddle of ice water for the better part of a day. But still, it was a ton of fun!


Anonymous said...

Sorry i've been a lame blagger and commenter. Love all the floating pics, the crocheted flowers are super cute, digging the towels and what you did with the purse!!!


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