Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Miracle Grow(?)

Want the greenest lawn on the block? The stuff you bought at Home Depot not cutting it? This potion is really supposed to work, don't know why or how, but that's what they say. It was featured on our local news and sure enough, their test patch greened up in just a couple days. (not kidding)

Here's the recipe:

one can soda, not diet
one can beer, not light
1/2 cup liquid dishwashing soap; do not use anti-bacterial
1/2 cup mouthwash
1/2 cup household ammonia

Mix with ten gallons of water in a sprayer and apply every three weeks.


Anonymous said...

hmmm...but does it really work?

lydiajane said...

I use the green Palmolive and original Listerine to bug free the plants --it works and everything smells nice but the pavement gets super slippery!! :D


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