Friday, October 17, 2008

Still Undecided?

Can't decide who to vote for on November 4th? Maybe crocheting a finger puppet will help you jump down off the fence and back one candidate or the other.

I think the McCain puppet kind of looks like a priest. I didn't make this up, you can find the patterns here.

Looks like Obama is pulling way ahead in the polls as of today. Probably it's because his puppet is so cute.


Anonymous said...

This song makes me think of SD.

I'm still so undecided...just cannot make up my mind. I wish Joe the Plumber would reveal who he is voting for b/c I would go with his instincts.

Can you find me a pattern for a plunger caddy or a plumber's tool belt? Joe the Plumber visited my blog and I'm going to surprise him with some of my craftiness.

I heard a rumor that Joe Six Pack doesn't drink beer!

Karen said...

Not undecided at all! It's McCain all the way in our house but we live in a firmly blue state. Both puppets are cute though.

I would be suprised if Joe the Plumber votes for Obama. He just seems like a McCain kinda guy.


Sandy said...

those are so funny!!! i find that fascinating that you're undecided...i always picture americans being so fiercely loyal to a party. i'm like you...i vote for the person - unfortunately we just had an election here in canada the party i voted for didn't get a single seat. so crazy. good luck with your decision!

McMGrad89 said...

cute puppets


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