Saturday, October 4, 2008

TGI Saturday!

It's been almost a week since I blogged, crazy! I've been out working with Shane every day, totally exhausted. Glad to be saving on payroll but still.

Enjoyed Thursday's VP debate. We went to a friend's house and played this to keep it entertaining. I call it a win for Obiden.

Discovered this ice cream. Yumma yumma.

Made a cute little purse for myself. Needs a longer strap though.

Reading this book. It's good, but makes me cringe. I'm practically yelling out loud, "don't do it!" at the main character...thing are going to get ugly.

My car has a brand new battery in it so I won't be getting stuck anywhere (like Carson City on Monday) again, hopefully.

Favorite bumper sticker of the week: "When Bush took office, gas was $1.48." Enough said there.

Trying to hold it together while being constantly bombarded with stress. Need to turn off the TV and radio, do something fun, and focus on the good stuff.


WayWord said...

Wish I would have known about "this" game for the debate, maybe could have played it instead of trivia at the local watering hole this past Thursday! Would have been much more fun...the questions were so silly. Very excited to try "this" icecream. It would be especially yummy and Fallish on a piece of pumpkin pie, served up stress free with some apple cider!!! GO DO SOMETHING FUN>>>YOU TOTALLY DESERVE IT!!!


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