Tuesday, April 15, 2008

A Beautiful Weekend

It was gorgeous here this weekend, high 70's and sunny, almost summery. I got a little yard work done...

I think I need a manicure!

I moved the rest of the rocks off that spot on the lawn, and transplanted the last of the ponytails into the bed at the back. I hope they take. I think digging holes is the hardest work going. My poor back/legs/arms!

So now the lawn is all one continuous area, with the plants in the beds. Remember that project you started while you were here, Mom? Now we just need some fill dirt and grass seed and we'll be croqueting in no time.

The first barbecue of the year!

Shane groovin' to Brett Dennen (couldn't find him on Dizzler so I picked something that reminds me of him. Thanks Kate for the BD hookup!


Anonymous said...

Wow gardening. Something someone around here needs to think about...as long as it's not me. My hands are far to pristine for such work. BD2 coming @ you soon.


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