Sunday, June 22, 2008


On Friday we got the official letter stating that our "economic stimulus" check is approved and should arrive no later than June 27th. But we should allow 6 weeks from that date...typical government speak. I'm ready for it. Even though I don't agree with the stimulus plan, I'll be glad to see the funds whenever they finally drop into our account.

I plan to stimulate the economy by buying a new camera. Probably will get another Canon S80 to replace our broken one, although I'm pining away for one of these bad boys. Hard to decide-I like the convenience and compact size of the point & shoot, and the photo quality is good, just not great for distance shots. But, I might be ready to take it up a notch. Shane could really use one of these waterproof jobs for river trips, looks pretty sturdy.

Of course, all of this is probably just wishful thinking. More likely, I'll buy gas, food, shoes, and it will be gone.


Linda said...

I hear ya T! I just got a 40D and I'm still carrying my old camera's smaller and easier to!


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