Thursday, October 30, 2008

Yeeeee Haw!

The theme for Hannah's music program at school was "The West." I stayed up until 1:00am making this hat for her to wear:

It was all worth it when she saw it in the morning and said, "Wow, I can't believe you made this!" Cutie pie.

The kids all looked so cute and the songs were really fun. We have the best music teacher, she has got to be the most patient person on the planet.

No school tomorrow, hurray for the three day weekend! The kids are also off next Tuesday, and the following Tuesday. It totally messes me up having Tuesday off. Why can't Veteran's Day be on Monday? Wouldn't that make more sense? And why do they have election day off? The kids aren't voting, and some parents might have a harder time voting with their kids at home. So glad I voted early. I will be mighty glad when the election is over and done with. It better be a landslide, that's all I'm sayin'.


Anonymous said...

1. cute hat
2. jam it down - hey now now
3. my dreams


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