Saturday, February 7, 2009

Ah, Saturday.

I love Saturdays. Slept in late, woke up slowly, then did a little housecleaning. Everyone pitched in so it wasn't too bad. We're having friends over for dinner so it had to be done. Now we can all chill for a while until I have to start dinner. We're having glazed pork loin, friend rice, and garlic green beans. mmmm. We'll probably drink a few beers, play a little pool, nothing too wild.

Want to see the little backpack I made for Hannah's friend yesterday? It's a quickie project, maybe 2.5 hours.

Oh, and if you want to make a super duper easy, yummy dessert - take a chocolate cake mix and stir in (with a spoon, not a mixer) 3 eggs, 1 can of cherry pie filling, and 1 tsp almond extract. Bake in a 9X13 as directed on the pkg. Frost with chocolate frosting of your choice. I call it Disappearing Cake.


Rachel said...

Cute bag.. love that green color!
The Disappearing Cake recipe sounds devine!!! TFS!


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