Saturday, March 22, 2008


Gearing up for some major house cleaning today. So far, the kitchen is done (except for the floor, that's not my department) - next up: bathrooms. The kids' rooms need serious help. Or maybe a flamethrower. I fully admit I am not a great housekeeper. Not even a marginally good one. It's not that I don't care, it's just that I have other things I'd rather do. Like blog for example. Or watch Big Brother clips on youtube. Not today though - I'm going to put on some snappy music and drink even more coffee and git r done.

Movie review: I Am Legend
Disturbing, in an unbelievable sort of way, suspenseful, and if you like Will Smith you will appreciate his musculature. I'm giving it a B.

And here's a little video for your enjoyment (or not):



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