Friday, April 11, 2008


It's Friday already? Where did the week go? The talent show was fantastic! Evan rocked it out, and wasn't even a little bit nervous to be playing in front of all those people. All the kids down in front gave him a high five and cheered, it was so cute. Our camera isn't working so we didn't get to record it - bummer! Also didn't get pics of Shane at the Hometown Throwdown #2, where he competed in the freestyle kayak contest and won himself a new pair of shades. I need to get that camera into the shop, pronto! It's going to be nice and warm here this weekend, up to 81 on Sunday. I am soooo ready!


Anonymous said...

You know that Prof. McLovin attended Ball State aka Testicle Tech?

That dude was not around back then.


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