Sunday, April 6, 2008

Phone Issues

What is it with the phones in our house? They are all banning together to drive me crazy. The home phone (cordless) wouldn't take a charge any more, probably due to the fact that no one ever hangs it up and the battery really and truly died. Bought a new phone, finally, but that one is so static-ridden you cannot have a conversation. I really almost threw it across the room a few minutes ago. It sounds like there is a Poltergeist on the other end. Grrrr.

So, to avoid that irritation, I used the office phone (corded) to place a call. No problem there, except the person on the other end of the line couldn't hear me. What the? Following the KISS rule, I went to Office Depot and picked up a new cord for $9.99. It is working fine now. Guess there was something wrong with the old one:
Also a nice shot of the scanner bed, since the camera isn't here. Ahhh, technology.
So people - if you want to contact us, please use email.


Anonymous said...

HAHAHA! You crack me up! Damn phones! That's why I only have my celly... ~B~

Anonymous said...

Ha! I can soooo relate. I really want to get rid of my land line...I hate it. My issue? Telefartketers. Drive me flipping batty. If you need to get a hold of me....IM me IGF!!!


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