Tuesday, March 4, 2008

This Just In

The makers of Airborne cold remedy have been ordered to refund $23 million to customers. Apparently it doesn't work. If you are gullible like me and want to get a refund for all that nasty tasting stuff that you guzzled, here's the link: http://www.airbornehealthsettlement.com/.
See, I always thought it was working. I guess it was all in my head.


Anonymous said...

Seriously? I swear by it. WTF? How can it not work? It's a herbal stuff. Huh?

Anonymous said...

I so totally believed in it! I would make it for Gale and put it in the same cup every time and now he HATES that cup...and for what!?! N-O-T-H-I-N-G


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