Thursday, May 29, 2008


So everything in our house is breaking at once. Can you say planned obsolescence? Or perhaps it's just a test of my patience, of which I have very little for technical malfunctions. Things currently on the blink:

*photo printer
*all-in-one color printer
*2 dvd players
*electric griddle
*car cd player
*kitchen phone
*Shane's cell phone
*Jordan's cell phone

On the plus side, it will make Christmas shopping pret-ty easy.


Anonymous said...

Eh, you don't need an electric griddle anyhow. More cabinet space.

We just lost a DVD player as well. I think it has to do with a TAZ-related jam more than planned obsolescence (wow I spelled that correctly).

You do however need a camera. So you can photograph me excessively in multiple outfits - having a trunk shipped ahead with shoes/boots/accessories - the sky's the limit!!

Lori said...

Sounds like you live at my house!! It never fails, when one thing goes, they all go!! So sorry!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, crappy...on a positive note, GREAT use of "planned obsolescence"...I think they are definately targeting you guys!! ~B

Linda said...

Geeeeez! I though it was supposed to happen in threes! Sounds like 3 per person in your house! Bummer!


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