Thursday, May 15, 2008


Top 10 Things Annoying Me Today:

10. My computer is running really loudly and probably shooting deadly electromagnetic waves at me.

9. Our camera is broken.

8. No one in this house seems to be able to pick up after him/herself.

7. No Survivor tonight, it's over. And Parvati won. Pffft.

6. My scalp is sunburned and itchy.

5. Gas is approaching $4.00 a gallon, and everything else is getting more and more expensive.

4. Allergies.

3. Internet drama.

2. I popped a crown off my tooth and haven't gotten it fixed yet.

1. Waiting on the IRS to send out that dang "stimulus" check.


Kate said...

bummer dude. FTN!!!

Courtney DeLaura said...

oh my gosh I could say DITTO to
# 8
# 7
# 5
# 4
# 1

Hope your day gets better!!!


lydiajane said...

my computer was running really loud too, so I kept hitting it until hubs said I was probably scratching something or other (he said the actual name but i DNK!!) needed to replace the fan and now it's whisper soft!


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