Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas: The Aftermath

We had a nice quiet Christmas, just the five of us. Missed you Mom and Dad! Big hit was the wii - we played it all night and day, and all the next day and night, and... so much fun! I've got a bit of a cold, which is giving me a great excuse to just relax and snuggle up at home. Been reading a lot, working on a hat for myself, and making some ATCs for another swap. Oh, and blowing my nose just about constantly. Blech. Watched a couple good movies this week - Step Brothers (totally stupidly hilarious), and Trans Siberian (intense!) and ate a lot of good food. Hope y'all had a great holiday, and a huge thank you to everyone who sent gifts and cards. Love you!


Anonymous said...

hee hee yall were serious on that Wii .. girl I love me some Wii, I need to get that Wii fit and stop playing .. Happy New Years


Sonja said...

You and your son look like forces to be reckoned with on the Wii. Glad your day was merry and bright, I hope you're feeling better soon:)

Breezy said...

Fun! I love gettin' my wii on! You'll have to get wii fit. It's pretty fun!! Looks like you guys had a fun Christmas. Miss & love you all :)

Anonymous said... are Wii hardcore.


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