Friday, January 9, 2009


Happy Friday! I'm so glad the week is over and tomorrow is sleeping in day! It's been hard getting back into the old routine after the holiday break.

Thoughts of the day:

  • Facebook is freakin awesome! Today I chatted with some old friends, people I haven't talked to in like 20 years - so crazy cool.
  • Youtube is also wicked cool. Anything you could ever want to see is on there - old music videos, flushing jello, live concert footage, people falling on their asses - it's all there. Such sweetness.
  • I've been spending too much time online (see above two items).
  • So glad the washer is working again, actually enjoying doing laundry and having clean clothes!
  • Reading A Fine Balance, it is so good. Heartbreaking, but good.
  • Jordan has been watching all these Armageddon shows on The History Channel - me no likey. I've got enough to worry about thank you very much!
  • 24 and Big Love are about to start up again, finally something to watch! TV has been lame lately.
  • Getting ready to return the dirt to Dr. Zhivago. Yeah, that's right!
  • Soup for dinner. Yum!


Anonymous said...

why don't you suggest TLC/Treeman shows to your son instead of the Armageddon stuff?


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