Friday, January 2, 2009

Yo Yo Yo

I did it, cleaned the office yesterday. Took most of the day but it's worth it, so much better. I can actually see my desk!

Hopelessly addicted to the Bouncing Balls mind jolt game on facebook. It's good for zoning out and decompressing. And I kinda shred at it.

Also made a daily card yesterday, whoot! So I'm currently up to date for the year, or I will be after I make one today. Better get on that.

Other projects:

This hat, for me-

Mittens for the fam. One pair down, four to go-

We have had the most bizarre weather today, high winds, rain, snow, sun, slush, no wind at all. Think we about covered the whole weather spectrum.

Oh, and a special thanks to Kate for turning me on to The Tree Man. Lovely.


Anonymous said...

cute hat!!
no prob about tree man...glad you likey!!
your hair looks long!
I want to see douche daily card:)

Sonja said...

MITTENS!!! Those are so cute (I am a no talent hack, who must admire her friend's awesome skills).

The weather just sounds like you're living in Michigan.


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