Saturday, August 9, 2008

Just Stuff In My Head

Hot August Nights is in full swing. It's a huge classic car show and celebration of all things '50s that takes over our town every year. Not being a huge car person, and not really into poodle skirts, I find that the event is more of a traffic jam than anything. But, keep on coming, stimulates our local economy.

And, seriously...when did chow mein go from crunchy fried noodles topped with veggie or meat goo, to soft noodles with chunks? Just curious.

I'm about 2/3 through The Book Of Lost Things. It's pretty cool, if you like fantasy. A little bit Narnia, a little bit Pan's Labyrinth - dark and full of mysteries. Evil creatures abound.

Off to check out some Olympic action.


Anonymous said...

aha....that explains it. I don't do narnia or pan's labryinth...that's why me na likey dat book.


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