Sunday, August 31, 2008


*Survived five circles of hell yesterday helping Hannah clean her room. It was bad. I lost my temper. She cried. Not a good scene. From now on, she will be cleaning up every day and since everything has it's place now it shouldn't ever get that bad again, right? Right?

*Keeping an eye on the hurricane - it's so sad, and so scary. I can't even imagine living like that. We have earthquakes and wildfires here, I think I'll stick with that. Seriously, between that accident the other day, politics, and storms - I'm a leeetle bit stressed out.

*Update - we have been invited to join one of Shane's teammates at his private table at the Rib Cook-off tomorrow. This means all we can eat AND drink all afternoon. Wooo-hooo! Note to self: do not wear white. And instead of Night Ranger (no thanks) we will be jamming to The Mark Sexton Band. Sweet! Check 'em out:


Anonymous said...

hey boo .. I feel you on the cleaning girl my kids have a chore chart .. lol .. cool video boo

Linda said...

Five circles of hell...LOL! I hear ya! My boys room is like Final Destination sometimes. Hey I tagged you on my blog. You're welcome!

Korbyn said...

um, sure, the room will always stay clean...uh huh..:)

Anonymous said...

Okay with the room cleaning AND the mention of Gustav and the I need a Percocet.


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