Sunday, August 3, 2008

Sunday Adventure

Hannah and Evan and I rode along this beautiful bike trail between Tahoe City and Squaw Valley while Shane and Co. paddled a lower section of the river. Then we all met up at The River Ranch for beers and some of the best nachos around.

On the way home, we stopped at Cabelas. It was a big deal when it went in, and I'd heard a lot about it but never been. Well...I don't think I'll be going back. Ok, the giant aquarium full of trout and catfish was pretty cool, and they do have a plethora of bitchen' camping gear and some sweet outdoorsy clothing. But all the dead animals really turned me off. No offense to you hunters out there, but it just isn't my thing. I couldn't even look at the African display, it heebed me out. And I'm not a card carrying member of PETA or even a veggie, at least not yet.


Anonymous said...

Ummmmm nachos. Was their dead meat on the nachos? You remind me of Pam Anderson with your anti-cruelty stance:P

Anonymous said...

there i mean...nice spelling lozer:)


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