Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day

This year we are just hanging around the house. It's chilly and cloudy and rainy. Good for cleaning house, making stuff, watching movies...but not camping. Last year was hot and sunny and we camped out at Pyramid. A few highlights:

And then the super fun part - I walked down the beach and caught a nice-sized fish.

But then I felt guilty and ran back down to the water to release the fish.

Evan got all excited trying to catch the same fish, casted wildly and I believe the "oh shit" could be heard around the entire lake. Yes, it is a large hook. A barbed treble hook - at least only two of the three were embedded.

After a little lakeside surgery, the hook was out and poor Evan felt really bad.

But at that point I was feeling no pain (that cup contains Sailor Jerry)

And here's what it looked like a couple days later. I went to Urgent Care to have them check it out and the doctor said that Shane did a fabulous job. There was no infection, just a little bit of something (hair follicle?) sticking out that they had to remove. Gross, eh?

All in all, quite a memorable trip. It took me a while to get over the whole thing, but OMG at least it wasn't one of the kids. Note to any future camping/fishing companions: if anything like this happens to me again, just knock me out with a sucker punch or drive me to the nearest hospital for a local. Ok? Thanks.


Anonymous said...

Hope there aren't going to be fish hooks flying at SISCON. I'll be looking out for you:)

Linda said...

OMG! I was trying to visualize this at SIScon when you were telling me! Motherhood is NOT FOR WIMPS! LOL!


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