Thursday, July 24, 2008

Thursday Already?

This week has flown by, where does the time go? I've been crocheting up a storm, getting ready to open an etsy shop of my very own. I'll put some pics up here once I get the film from my camera developed. Yes, I am using my dinosaur camera for now. I have to say that I like the click click noise of the shutter, my digital camera didn't make that satisfying little sound. Jordan comes home today, it'll be nice to have him home. He's taking a plane so there's no road tripping this time. In the process of putting all of our business stuff in Quickbooks - should be doing that right now, actually. My dear friend Tobi helped me set it up, thank god. My head was spinning at first but I think I've got it down now.

The concert last night was awesome! Brett Dennen was amazing, put on a great show. It was a small venue, which was very cool. Love him even more now.

And this talented local gal opened up for him:

All in all, a great date night! But, maybe I shouldn't drink tequila. Or eat fiery wings at 11:00pm. I'm just thinking...


Linda said...

You always find the best music! She's great! Glad you had a good time! Yeah tequilla and chicken wings aren't the best combo! Hehe!


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