Friday, November 21, 2008


Friendship Bread Day 6/10: Release any accumulated air from baggie and squish to mix several times today.

TGIF is right, what a week! Mad busy, pretty tuckered. Taking Hannah out to see a show tonight, a little girls' outing. It's a "holiday ice spectacular" which I think she'll enjoy, and I will try to not be too scroogy. Shannon scored us some free tickets, third row. Sweeeet.
Guns N Roses released their new album today, although the only thing GNR about it is Axl Rose. I didn't buy it (got to make that clear) but I did find a vid on youtube. Fun fact: it is the most expensive cd ever made at $10 million.

I like that song ok, but really...this one kicks it's ass.


Anonymous said...

Yeah I never got past the great first album of '88. A classic indeed.


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