Wednesday, November 5, 2008


It's true. Barack Obama is president elect and Bush is now officially a lame duck. I am so relieved that the election went smoothly with no shenanigans. But mostly, I am inspired. Inspired that we have a leader that will bring us together as a country, and listen to the people. Inspired and relieved that those spewing racist hatred are a minority. Inspired and proud that we will have a representative for America that speaks for me, that may be able to improve our image abroad. That is hugely important to me. I read this article on that point today. And I am inspired by the record voter turnout - the people really do pay attention and want change. Congratulations America, you have spoken! But we need to keep on speaking the change, make it happen. Yes We Can!


Jane said...

YES the UK can TOO!! Watched it all very very early in the morning here - here's to a new hope and a better future!! xxxxx Very proud of the USA today!!

Jane said...

PS the song that played on your blog was "here comes the sun" soooooo friggin apt!! love your blog btw XXXX

Anonymous said...



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