Monday, November 3, 2008

Today's The Day

Finally. The longest campaign in history comes to a close today. I will be glued to the TV this evening, watching the results come in. Crossing my fingers for a landslide, cannot deal with another 2000 debacle.

Not giving away who I voted for, but here's a hint:

Get out and vote! Do your homework and cast your ballots, it's your right and your duty. Unless you're voting Republican - that's tomorrow. (kidding, folks)

If you are living under a rock or with your head in the sand and missed the action, here's a campaign recap for you:

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Click here to read about the stupidest things that happened during the election.


cinnibonbon said...

Hey hey SIS!!!

I got out there and did my country proud!!!

Anonymous said...

thank god it's over and we now have a president for the PEOPLE!!!!


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