Saturday, August 1, 2009

August 1? For Real?

I can't believe how fast summer is going. After a weird rainy/cold start, it finally got hot and now it's blazing! Good for swimming and BBQs, not that great for working outside. Needless to say, I'm stoked it's the weekend.

Shane is playing in a pool tourney today (good luck babe!) and I'm hoping to get some housework done (big fun!) before hitting the scrapshack. Haven't been scrapping much lately, but I'm starting to feel the bug again.

Also working on this blanket for Evan's room. Using red and orange to match his colors. It's turning out cute, but I must be insane for working on it in this heat.

Tonight we are going to a free concert at the new open air mall - Smash Mouth! Hopefully it won't be thunder storming, because the kids are super stoked to go and hear the Shrek song:



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