Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Love These!

I'm all over this pattern for eco-friendly lunch bags. I'm not really into paying $15 for another new lunchbox, and we always seem to run out of brown bags. Plus, I really do want to limit the school lunches...they are pretty nasty. Nachos, nuggets, pizza - hmmm, is it really a mystery that so many Americans grow up addicted to junk food? I think not. Anyway, I like the idea of this little bag, it's cute and can be thrown in the washer - perfect.

To simplify, I will probably not do stripes. Now I just need to finish Evan's blanket so I can get on this - only 3 weeks 'til school starts!


Kate said...

Love 'em - what kind of yarn do they use? Get varigated and then you don't have to worry about the stripes!!

I let my girls buy lunch once a month - it's expensive and gross. They usually pick the breakfast for lunch day - omelet, taters, french toast stick and fruit.

I see you've redone ze blog (haven't been over here b/c I read from the Google) - looks good!

T said...

The pattern uses recycled cotton, but I have a bunch of variegated cotton I got on sale at Michaels a while back so I'll probably use that.


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